If you have, just buy the Full Version license and get Extra Package to unlock everything. These just differ in whether you’ve previously used the free version. If you’d like to unlock all available free media here, however, you need two things: Full Version and Extra Package. This handy editor is considerably low cost but impressive in how much it can deliver. The remaining 5 layers are each for the media source, overlay clip, audio, text, and image-allowing you to overlap all elements together. The second layer enables you to zoom in and out and shows the duration. The far-right side of it has the option to start a new project, import, save, and export. The first has the usual tools, like Undo and Redo, Trim, Delete, Select Area, and Volume Control. The Timeline Pane, on the other hand, has 7 layers.

Meanwhile, Template, Overlay Clip, Filter, and Transition are mostly the same in how they can look animated but differ in the types of effects they produce on the videos. Text/Image contains the text editor tool and clip art collection. Media Source displays all the multimedia files, encoded videos, and preset samples you can use on the software. There are 6 major tabs: Media Source, Text/Image, Template, Overlay Clip, Filter, and Transition. The Sources & Effects section has the most number of features on it. If you add text and images, you can manually move their placement on the Preview Screen-even adjust their size and rotation by clicking and dragging. You can also screen-capture whatever is on the preview.

There are two viewing modes available here: Clip Mode, which plays the selected clip or media, and Project Mode, which plays all clips.

In the Preview Screen, you can find the playback slider and its controls, Play, Stop, 1 Second Backward, and 1 Second Forward. The free version features tons of preset options but some of them have to be unlocked with the paid version first. You can start right away by dragging and dropping the files from the Sources & Effects area. There are three overall areas: the Preview Screen on the top left, the Sources & Effects on the top right and opposite of the Preview Screen, and the Timeline Pane on the bottom of the two. Its user interface contains all of the necessary editing sections in plain sight.